Sunday, October 16, 2011


Where did summer go..We had our first snow fall a week ago..gardens are harvested, jams and jellies are done and the freezer is full of good food for winter. We have 5 cords of wood to keep us warm when the snow returns.

I have had a busy summer painting new pieces with new stones to work on. The horses below are painted on Chrysocolla and were fun to do..I haven't had a horse for many years, but do miss the country life.

These sassy little Mountain Quayle are painted on a piece of Picture Jasper and were shippped to Washington, then sold at the Denver Trade Show. Mountain Quayle are neat little birds and will come into your yard if you have a good water supply.

The Elk is painted on a natural colored piece

of Brazilian Agate. We are seeing lots of elk these days as the early snow fall has put the herds on the move from the high country down to the valley areas, plus it is hunting season. Elk and deer we never tire of seeing in our neighborhoods in Pagosa Country.
Tomorrow will a new day for painting. I
will be working on a Dusky Grouse which I got a photo of when we were out cutting wood. They live in the timber area in the Rockies and are very elusive birds. There is no open hunting season on them. So this will be a new challenge.

I will also spend some time in cleaning out the garden area, harvesting what's left of the carrots and just enjoy my life . Fall is a good time to reflect on things of the Lord and the beauty he created in nature as the fall colors are brilliant this year. Nature is God's stress reliever..

Time will be spent to clean out the birdhouses and get the winter bird feeders ready as the Chickadees and Nuthatches are making their appearance at the one feeder we have up
now, along with some woodpeckers and Stellar Blue Jays. I have new blogs posted on our web at www.livingrelaxedlifestyles and new paintings at

This is a painting of a Blue Heron just lifting from the water in flight. The photo I worked from was taken by Bob Zeller in San Angelo Texas. We have herons here on a little pond about 3 blocks from where we live, but I never seem to have may camera with me at the right time.

Well bye for now, God bless and take care...Syl